Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Given by Vicki Pettersson

The Given by Vicki Pettersson: It is not very often that I get the pleasure to read a book the day it is released to the public. To add to the joy of waking up to a new book in my Kindle account, I had the luxury of meeting with the beautiful and witty Vicki herself that evening (5/27). As luck would have it, my schedule aligned perfectly to allow me to finish by Wednesday afternoon.

            As always, I relished in the detail of the descriptions of even seemingly trivial items. As a reader, I appreciate when the author takes the time to consider all the senses of the characters. This affects my senses as well. I especially appreciate the intimacy between Kit and Griff, but also between Kit and Frank. With the strength and resilience of Kit and Griff’s relationship, I wonder if Vicki draws on personal experience. I hope I do not lean too heavily on woman’s intuition when I opine that she enjoys a healthy, supportive marriage.
            Getting back to the book: I like how everything comes full-circle, back to the beginning, back to the end. All the loose ends are tied. All the questions are answered. In so doing, the last nail is hammered in the coffin of this series…almost (eyebrow raised). If I know Vicki (which I can only hope to) she will find a way, if she so chooses.
            I will search for her previous offering to read when I have a few more minutes between semesters, and I am definitely looking forward to her next release J
That’s how I understand things,


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